Monday 12 November 2012

Hear and Identify

  • To begin with, some of the vocals in the 'worse version' were slightly flat, and the timing in parts of the song were abit out of time..
  • Some of the harmonies in parts in the song were abit sharp, also in the 'goodish version', the bass line is more advanced..
  • In the goodish version, the whole song is in time whereas when the worse version was recorded, it probably wasn't corrected..
  • From about 00:20, the vocals sounded a bit delayed and the music jumps..  
  • In the introduction of the worse version, you can hear Philip cough and from the start of the song, also it was slight difficult to find what the time signature was when all of the instruments were all playing.. 
  • When the bass came in on the worse version, it sounded very quiet compared to the goodish version which had a more advanced bass line..
  • In the middle 8, The vocals sounds a bit muffled and almost distorted
  • The lyrics 'with a degree of independance ' in the worse version are slight behind compared to the goodish version..

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